Engineering Firm


Need: Systematic recruiting across multiple offices nationwide that ensures proactive, fair and inclusive hiring process.

What Modern Human Did: Modeled the best-practice approach when recruiting for a new leadership position at the firm, then replicated across all open roles in the company, creating the firm's first formal recruiting process. This includes engaging hiring managers more directly with job descriptions and formal posting, a weekly, half-hour "phone huddle" for all hiring managers with an open role to discuss tips on recruiting and making fact-based decisions. It also encompasses the development of an employment brand, including significant changes to the website's Careers section, and an improved candidate experience.


You have an employment brand whether you know it or not. If you don't define it, the marketplace will. Intention + thirty minutes a week can be the difference between a good new hire and the best new hire possible.

Diversity, equity & inclusion

Engineering Firm


Need: Take diversity initiative to the next level.

What Modern Human Did: Met with core team, drafted approach, met with diversity committee, shared draft diversity principles. Facilitated tough conversation with senior leaders to confront gender and minority disparities in the course of creating diversity principles and recommending goals.


Get uncomfortable.

Recognize that diversity is more than unconscious bias training. Look at recruiting practices, culture, pay and promotion velocity across all levels, gender, and by minority groups and address disparities with both short and long-term strategies.

organizational assessment

Fortune-25 technology company


Need: Organizational needs analysis for fast-growing division (75% in 2016-17) with expectations to grow by another 50% over the next year.

What Modern Human Did: After interviewing the senior leader and 40 members of the global leadership team Modern Human made eight recommendations, with the development of a robust communication plan at the top of the list. This included establishing a clear vision for the organization, making adjustments in how the senior leadership team engaged with one another, and addressing feedback (such as lack of collaboration). We also established processes and tools across the organization that include monthly communication from the top, twice yearly all-hands virtual meeting and quarterly calls with leadership team.


Stay connected to your people. Be open, make yourself available, welcome questions, talk about what’s exciting, talk about the near miss. It’s much easier and more effective to develop and establish channels and processes that that can be adapted as you grow, rather than introducing them after the fact.

organizational assessment

Engineering firm


Need: New at the helm, the CEO wanted to understand the firm’s HR functions and effectiveness and create a blueprint for meeting growth demands.

What Modern Human Did: Met with the HR team, interviewed the CEO, used diagnostic tools to assess sophistication level across all core HR functions, reviewed all processes from recruiting to compensation to performance management to succession planning and wrote a report detailing current state and ideal future state, with recommendations to close gaps.

The process surfaced a number of issues, many of which could be tracked back to two key points: a lack of relevant data — employee information was tracked only insofar as it related to payroll — and little in the way of scalable processes, which hampered the firm’s ability to grow across multiple locations.


Treating HR as an administrative function assures administrative results. One of the first steps to achieving outcomes that shape a strategic advantage for the company is to invest in an HR information system. Housing employee information in ways that can help with everything from onboarding to tracking pay and promotion velocity provides the data that senior leaders need to inform smart decision-making and meet growth goals.

organizational redesign

clean-tech start-up, late stage


Need: HR leadership during turnaround focused on culture, recruiting and performance. The firm was in a go/no-go situation, deploying a capital infusion that represented its last chance to show profit.

What Modern Human Did: Studied the business plan, then designed a people plan to support it. Partnered with CEO and leadership team to develop strategies to shift from top-down power ethos to culture of curiosity and collaboration. For example, launched TED-style speaker series based on desired values; established shared goals and linked to executive compensation. Also brought on new talent to help sell the product, replacing nearly half the company over six months.


A strategic HR partner is crucial on your path to profit. Having a clear people plan that is tied to company business plan ensures focus on results and culture.

leadership development

fortune 25 technology company


Need: Professional development program for high-potential senior managers in fast-growing 10,000-person division.

What Modern Human Did: Evaluated previous program, which had been shelved for about a year pending re-design, along with similar programs across the company; interviewed VPs across division, alumni from previous program and prospects for new program. Drafted two-page brief to present at design session. Engaged 30+ target attendees in four global design sessions to seek feedback. Developed macro design. Established core design team made up of division leaders. Rolled out nomination criteria to internal HR partners.


Develop the next group of leaders before they’re tempted by recruiters. Leadership growth increases retention and sets people up for success.